
Fictional planet view of earth with growing trees and buildings

What is Living Eco-Friendly? Understanding Sustainable Lifestyle Choices

March 7, 2024

Living eco-friendly refers to practices and lifestyle choices that are conscientious of environmental sustainability. This includes reducing one’s carbon footprint…

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Creamy vegan spinach dip

Spinach Dip

February 29, 2024

Spinach dip has long been a party favorite, but now it takes a delightful twist in this vegan version. Embracing…

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Person holding a sign that says "Choose Cruelty Free"

How Do You Know if a Product is Cruelty Free?

February 22, 2024

When you’re shopping for groceries, cosmetics, clothing, or many other types of items, it’s important to know where your products…

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Spreading avocado on toast

Simple Avocado Toast Recipe

February 15, 2024

Avocado toast has taken the world by storm, becoming a beloved staple in vegan cuisine. Its popularity lies in its…

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Loaf of Bread

Eating a Low-Carb Vegan Diet

February 8, 2024

Embarking on a low-carb vegan diet marries the principles of restricting carbohydrates with avoiding animal products. This diet style aims…

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Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie

February 1, 2024

Shepherd's Pie, a traditional comfort food, gets a wholesome and delightful vegan makeover in this recipe. Packed with rich flavors…

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Vegan Meal Prep Tips: Plant-Based Planning

January 25, 2024

Embracing a vegan diet doesn’t mean you must sacrifice variety or taste. On the contrary, it opens up a world…

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Peanut sauce next to peanuts in a bowl

Peanut Sauce

January 18, 2024

Creating a delectable peanut sauce that's plant-based and bursting with flavor is easier than you might think. This homemade Vegan…

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Money and avocados

Is Veganism Expensive? Cost of a Plant-Based Diet

January 14, 2024

Cost is a common concern among those who are interested in adopting a plant-based lifestyle. While there’s no denying that…

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Campground with tent and fire in front of pine trees and mountains

Vegan Camping and Hiking Tips

January 1, 2024

Camping and hiking as a vegan presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. Preparing carefully ensures that you can…

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